Tag Archives: GC09

Love 146

Rob Morris the co-founder of Love146 came to speak to us today about the abolition of child sex slavery. He gave us some staggering reports, like: every minute, two children are sold into slavery. That is ridiculously insane. Rob went undercover into a brothel, to see children between the ages of 5 and 10 locked in a room, sitting in front of a television watching cartoons,waiting to be sold to the next “client” there dignity has been stripped from them. They have become objects to a perverse and sex craved people. they have even the dignity of a name taken from them, all that they have is a number. Rob tells of his undercover journey to the brothel, enraged to see such a sight, watching through a window at these helpless children, there lifeless eyes watch the TV, but he noticed one, one who still had life in her eyes..Her number was 146. We as a generation can help this cause. We can live to make a difference, to find out how go to www.love146.org

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Sex (gasp!)

Oh boy, the subject that is so taboo to talk about in church…SEX ahhhhh! Oh come on, your high school can talk about it, MTV can talk about it, VH1 talks about it, even Lifetime talks about it, but as soon as it’s brought into the church, it’s all of a sudden unmentionable. Pam Stenzel came from Minnesota to speak to us at the Generation Conference about sex. She rattled off lists of STD’s she had facts galore about the consequences of sexual sin. But it all boiled down to our love for Christ. do you love Christ enough to stay abstinent? Are you willing to do what it takes to save what God made for the context of Marriage? Be the difference in this Generation… Live to Make a Difference.

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Danger Danger Will Robinson

So often we are living our lives toward the goal of safety. Yet, we thrive, we long for the next action flick to come out, to be able to sit on the edge of our seats, to feel our heart beat, to feel our palms sweat, to sense the adrenaline to pulse through our veins.. we leave a theatre feeling a sense of heroism, and we are ok with that.. we had our danger fix for the day… week.. month, and we go back to our boring, mundane lives. We leave and go back to the safety of our home.. not making a difference..  Pastor Mark Schilling told us so well at the Generation Conference, we need to get out of our safety mindset, and live  a life that is dangerous.. a life that is impacting others.. where are you? Are you impacting people? or are you thinking all about you? think about that.. Live to make a Difference!

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